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Old 05-19-2012, 04:17 PM
saint saint is offline
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Originally Posted by Scooter View Post
Saw this a while back, but I've been to busy to post a reply

Really nice photos I've been wanting to get some done of my car. Seems like there's always photographers out there that are wanting to build their portfolio, so they are willing to do some shots for free. I need to track one down
thanks ryan , im pretty happy about getting some very nice free pics. hows your b8 treating you? mine has been very good to me and today i took my b3 out for a drive and i had forgotten how nice of a car it is .
when i first got my b8 i have to admit i was pretty disapointed in its performance but after driving it for a few k it really woke up and felt like i had expected it to . the 3:15 lsd swap was a very nice addition . i still get great top end but down low its much better than it was with the old open diffy .
i had a chance to race a srt8 challenger and i beat him , he is prob still scratching his head wondering what he lost to
i do have to change my passenger side valve cover gasket . when i checked the plugs i noticed some oil leaks and im running a bit rough at idol and im sure thats why .

cheers , dwayne